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Gina Aliverti 83/84
Sandy Anderson 80/81/82 (Congdon)
Dayna Anderson 83
Scott Astel 77
Pat Baker 81/82
Mark Baker 85
Jack Ballard 80
John Batts 77
Jeff Baxter (Baxter)
Steve Beagle 81
Craig Bender 82
Bill Black 85
Chris Boscole 83
Bryan Bowlby 82/83
Terry Bradbury 80
Jana Bradford 77
Robert Bradley 85
David Braun 82/83
Terry Brenneise 83
Gina (Virginia) Brouns (76/77…
Kevin Brown 81/82/83
Kevin Brown 82
Gary Brown 83/84
Sherri Carlson 85 (Summerville)
Whitney Chappell 80/81
Howard Chriscaden 80
Linda Clark 77
Scott Closner 80/81
Debbie Cohu 81/82 (DeMiero)
Pam Cohu 80/81 (McCoach)
Rachelle Colonel 80/81 (Starr)
Donna Condon 80/81 (Englert)
Sandra Cook ??
Vince Cook 85
Mark Cory 85
Karen Dale 82/83 (Hundley)
Bruce DeChambeau 85
Vincent F. DeMiero 81/82/83/84
Loretta Deranleau 83/84/85
Lynda Dorough 76/77/78 (Andrews)
Dave Doucet 80
Steve Drader 80
Sheri Ehrgott 82
Matt Eisen 77
Goodson Elder 80
Eric Engerbretsen 85
Dan Erb 84
Andy Estrada 79/80/81
Gerald Farley 77/78/79
Marty Francois 82
Gordie Frie 83
Lois Fru 80
Janice Fuhrman 77
James Glasgow 76/77
Craig Grafmiller 80
Bob Gregg 80/81/82
Mary Guptill 77 (Blakey)
Doug Haage 80
Mark Hale 83/84
Suzanne Hall 82
Mason Hall 84/85
Tami Hammer 82 (Zimny)
David Hardin 77/78
Scott Harper 80
Aaron Hennings 84/85
Ron Hetteen 77/78
Mike Hiatt 82
Steve Hill 82/83
Rich Hinrichson 81
Mark Hobbs 77
Darelle Holden 83
Suzanne Hooper 81/82 (Hund)
Patrick Hund -79/80/81
Darryl Hundley 82/83
JoLynn Hutton 82 (Yates)
Rob Hyatt 82/83
Todd Hymas 80/81 (Hymas)
Sherri Jeffers 84/85 (Simmons)
Jill Jenson 83/84/85
Kerry Johnsen 77
Robin Johnson 80/81 (Dettmer)
Lori Johnson 83
Nancy Johnson 85 (Lamont)
Richard Jones 80/81
Ted Jones 80/81
Jerry Jones 82/83
Barb Kalda 80
Curt Kaleel 82/83
Jeanette Kelsch 80
Kevin Knight 80
Patty Kool 82/83 (Philips)
Donna Kratofil 85 (Kratofil)
Katie Lake 80
Ronna Laycock 77
Shann Leahy 80
Vince L'Hirondelle 83/84
Chris Lindsay 84
Victor Little 82/83
Matt Lombard 82/83
Brad Lutton 80
Michael Mahoney 85
Marilyn Marshall 77
Brad Martz 81/82/83
Louise McCaughan 80/81
Kevin McKay 78
Scott McKinley 84/85
Davin McLaird 76/77
Kevin McMahan 83/84
Kelli Melson 80/81
Steve Moody 82/83
Dolly Mooney 80
Pat Moore 81/82/83
Deanne Morrill 81/82
Daniel Munro 80
Beth Murray 82/83/84 (Bivens)
Rick Nagy 82/83
Tad Nakano 82/83
Blake Newcomb 80
Bruce Niemi 82/83
Mike Olafson 80/81
Don Pearce 78/79/80
Mike Peeler 82/83/84
Ron Phillips 81/82/83
Patty Pittman 85 (Davis)
Darla Pitts 75, 76, 77 (Kiste)
Shawn Pratt 82
Mark Press 76/77/78
Idarae Prothero 76/77/78
Krista Punton 84 (Bier)
Randy Ralston 83
Bob Ratcliff 84
Andrew Richards 83/84
Mary Jo Roche 81
Richard Roddy 77
Annie Roodzant 84/85 (Reed)
Arthur -Keith Ruckle 83/84
Joni Ruhoff 78/79 (Lammon)
Tara Russell 82/83
Marianne Saunders 81/82/83
Jonna Schutz 79 (Farley)
Kenn Sebastian 79
Rick Shallow 77
Paul Shaw 84/85
Micki Sherwood 80/81
Chris Sibley ??
Vern Smith 81
Larry Stamper ??
Rachelle Starr ??
Susan Stockton ??
Rebecca Stone 84/85 (Hardiman)
Pat Stovall 82
Duane Summerville 85
Craig Swanby 80/81
Dave Talbot 81
Julie Taylor 82/83 (Nakano)
Paul Tillotson 84/85
Leisha Tradal 83 (Tuell)
Diane Trudo 81 (Trandum)
Chris Turner 82/83
Jeff Volkman 83
Debbie Walker 78/79/80/81 (Swanby)
Laurel Warren 80/81 (Doucet)
Leslie Weaver 82/83 (Hyatt)
Mark Weller 80
Ron Werner 75/76/77
Cathy Weseen 80
Fritz Whitney 85
Jill Wilcox 79/80 (Radel)
Leslie Williams 80/81
Tom Wills 83/84
Adrienne Wilson 77
Gene Wilson 80
Carla Wood 82
Ken Woods 80/81
Rod Wray 84/85
Matt Yorkston 80
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