Survey - Reunion 2023

Please help us out by taking the following survey. 

All answers will only be seen by the site administrators.

You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

1)   Would you be interested in attending a reunion of Soundsation members (from groups directed by Frank) in 2023 or 2024?

  Possibly - depending on when
  Possibly - depending on where
  C & D
2)   What time of year would work best for you?

  Summer 2023 ( June, July, August)
  Fall 2023 (September, October)
  Spring 2024 (April, May)
3)   What type of an event would you like to have?

  Nice Buffet Dinner
  Casual Event - Potluck/BBQ
  Casual - No FoodBeverage
4)   How much would you be willing to spend per person to attend (not including travel)?

5)   Would you be interested in singing a group song or 2?

  Yes! Sounds Fun
  Probably not
  Only if I get the solo on "Return to Music"
  Only if Gary Brown sings "Now You're Gone"
6)   If attending, would you need overnight accommodations

  Maybe - depending on room rate
7)   If you have the means, would you be willing to contribute to a fund for those who would like to attend but may have trouble coming up with the dollars to attend?

  Yes - Let me know
  Not at this time
8)   Do you have any suggestions where we could hold the event? (It will likely need to accommodate 100-125 people)

9)   Do you have any special talents or contacts that can assist us in pulling off this reunion (hotel contacts, event planning, decorating expertise, etc) ?